To jump or not to jump? That was the question.

Jen Espinosa flying high over Northport Harbor releasing some of Maggie’s Ashes. How’d they know teal was Maggie’s color?

Actually it wasn’t a question when the pilot and Mike Elliott, as well as his team from the All Veteran Group saw the dark clouds rolling in and lightening in the sky at Republic Airport in Farmingdale last Friday during our Glow for Gold Angelversary Gala. Presented by New York Community Bank, a division of Flagstar Bank N.A., and the Cangemi family, long-time supporters of Maggie’s Mission.

Not gonna lie, it was emotional and disappointing. We had planned long and hard for the jump, jumping through many hoops and hurdles to make it all come together. But there are always risks in life, and weather is just one.

I was pretty nervous leading up to the actual jump, watching a video on the inherent hazards of jumping from an airplane. But this was as safe a skydive as you could get. Mike Elliott is a veteran parachuter from the US Army Golden Knights, who has thousands and thousands of jumps under his belt. It was he who accompanied the late George H. W. Bush in his later years, on not one but THREE tandem jumps. I was in very good hands.

To ensure our safety, Mike sent two professional parachuters, Jen Espinosa and Mario Rivera, who can jump from lower elevations than a tandem team can and I watched them fly away with tears in my eyes. Jen carried a large flag with an image of Maggie and her handwritten bucket list wish to skydive, and some of Maggie’s ashes. She released them into the sky above Northport Harbor, while Mario filmed it. If you haven’t seen the very touching video Mario put together, click the button below. Many tears were shed watching the video. He picked the most beautiful song that perfectly described Maggie and how much we love her. I’m still crying as I write this. My baby girl…

Thank you to Mike Elliott, his team, and Jennifer Pinto from JK Consulting for helping make the jump happen!

Coincidentally, Maggie and our family flew from Republic on a private jet when she was sick. It was also the same airport we met Gabby Cava and her parents at after Maggie’s Mission secured a private flight for them so Gabby could comfortably come home after her HIPEC surgery she had undergone for a rare form of colon cancer. So many memories came rushing back - of two beautiful young women taken too soon by cancer.

I got back to our event just in time for an interview with Magee Hickey from Pix 11 News, which was pretty exciting in itself.

Click any photo above to visit our official Glow for Gold Angelversary Gala page to see more photos from this incredible evening of love, life, and joy.

Huge thanks to everyone who came out and supported for another hugely successful night! To our “Gala Girls” Samantha Laterza, Briana DiPardo, Joan Motherway, Brenda Lombardo and to our sponsors from the evening - New York Community Bank, the Cangemi family, Marine Bulkheading, TRIAD Metals, TGT Transport, the Charles and Helen Reichert Family Foundation, and Structure Tek.

Thank you to the Vanderbilt Museum for hosting the sixth annual Maggie’s Mission Angelversary Gala and many thanks to our cherished vendors Christopher Appoldt PhotographyAdrian B Event DesignClub G Entertainment, Long Island Sound DJ EntertainmentLDI ConnectNY Lounge DecorSouthern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits, Tito’s Handmade VodkaBlue Point BrewingThe Frosted Rose Bakery, and Triple Crown Charity Fundraising for the donation of goods and professional services for our event.

Save the date for next year’s event at the Vanderbilt on Friday, June 7th, 2024
Seven in Heaven Angelversary Gala, a Coachella, festival themed event, so stay tuned…