Picture jumping from here!


Jumping from a perfectly good airplane? That’s right! It will be a tandem jump with Mike Elliott, retired US Army Golden Knight. Honoring Maggie’s Bucket List, found in a notebook after she died. Maggie, you should be here completing your adventurous and amazing bucket list. You will be in our hearts for this momentous occasion, as the date marks 6 long years since cancer stole you from us.

The jump is one month away from today. Mike has lots of experience doing aerial stunts, and has taken the late George H. W. Bush on three tandem jumps. Tragically, George and Barbara also lost a young daughter to cancer. I’m amazed how people carry on after such a life changing event. Missing your precious children.

Our Glow for Gold Angelversary Gala, presented by New York Community Bank, a division of Flagstar Bank, N.A., and the Cangemi Family, long time supporters of our foundation has an exciting Glow theme planned. The theme is borrowed from Maggie’s last healthy and happy birthday. There will be black lights, neon face painting, and more!

We hope you’ll join us for this very special evening and largest fundraising event of the year that helps us help children affected by cancer. Tickets are still available but they’re going fast. White casual attire is recommended, and an extra pair of shoes due to the historic nature of the Vanderbilt Museum and beautiful venue.