No April Fool’s Joke

We love you Maggie Schmidt!

We love you Maggie Schmidt!

April is the beginning of some very difficult memories for us. April is the month we were told that the chemo and clinical trials we tried were not working and that we would have to face the terrifying fact that Maggie was going to die. April is also her birthday month, she would be turning 17. It’s the month we sang Happy Birthday to her for the last time.

As we approach what should be Maggie’s 22nd birthday, we have some very meaningful and important events coming up that we'd love to see all of our community, supporters, and friends attend. The first is a blood drive in honor of what should be Maggie's 22nd birthday on Tuesday, April 19th from 1-7pm at the Greenlawn Fire Department in Greenlawn, NY. Maggie received countless transfusions when in treatment and while they didn't save her, they helped us have more time together. Click the link below to schedule your appointment to donate blood and help save a life, in honor of Maggie, her birthday, and other children and adults facing cancer.

Our next event is the Fifth Anniversary of Maggie's Mission Angelversary Gala at the Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum and Planetarium in Centerport, NY on Friday, June 3rd. This year marks 5 years since we've held our only daughter. If you knew Maggie, you'd know she loved children. Before she died, she asked us to help save children from suffering. We've helped many children and families in the face of great tragedy and suffering, and will continue to do so much more with your support.

Please help us honor Maggie on what promises to be an impactful evening of love + hope at a beautiful, historic location overlooking the Long Island Sound, where Maggie would have had her prom pictures taken if she had lived. There will be cocktails under the stars in the courtyard, with music by the Luminous Strings Quartet (a Maggie favorite), followed by a champagne toast (another Maggie favorite), dinner, dancing, and wonderful raffles and silent auction items.

We are very grateful to come together again after two years. We miss you Maggie. For always.

With much L O V E and
H O P E to see you there…
Donna and the Team at Maggie's Mission.